MS Patients: A Case Study

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The Early textbook sites a source from 2006 with regards to cognitive training for those with MS saying “compensatory strategies seem to be the most effective intervention because remediation of cognitive deficits (e.g., memory drills) has little research support. Early goes on to suggest cognitive strategies for those with MS such as using memory aids, allowing extra time for task completion, decreasing environmental distractions, avoiding fatigue, keeping organized and avoiding clutter. Well that was ten years ago. Currently, right now, there is research being done looking into computer cognitive training for MS patients. And the results are mixed. A 2010 research article by Messinis et al did an excellent job discussing the history of…show more content…
This 2010 paper states that “treating cognitive dysfunction in MS is in its infancy and the best available strategy is still unclear.” Also from Messinis article: Messinis et al write that there are many reasons for this. Neurological testing is time-consuming and expensive. Also, with MS patients, “there is no single common pattern of neurocognitive impairment.” However, MS patients are usually classified into one of four types: Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), Secondary-progressive (SPMS), Primary-progressive (PPMS), and Progressive-relapsing (PRMS). It seems that within these categories, there might be some similarities. The areas most affected are information processing speed and verbal memory, and to some extent executive functions such as planning. For the RRMS patients main problems were information processing speed and then memory – retrieval of information and conceptual reasoning. Messinis article says that in general cognitive deficits seem to increase with worsening physical disability. Interestingly, MS patients most at risk for cognitive decline include those with low education attainment and advanced…show more content…
Recommend using the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS) as the gold standard for testing. Other tests, like the MMSE Mini Mental State Examination has a 70% false negative with MS Patients. Messinis et al continued P. 31 “Several studies have investigated the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitiation interventions in patients with MS, including computer-based training and neuropsychological counseling, but with inconsistent results.” P 31 “A study utilizing a computer-based program (AIXTENT), which allows for specific training of four attention domains (alertness, divided attention, selective attention and vigilance) shoed significant improvements in MS patients with selective attentional deficits at baseline. Recently, a computer-based training program (BrainStim) that recruited 30 MS patients…demonstrated improvements in mental speed and working memory tasks for both groups. (in 2009). Fast forward to today. Stuifbergen et

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