The Golden Cage Essay

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The Golden Cage: The Enigma of Anorexia Nervosa by Bruch gives an insight of the development of anorexia nervosa that affects primarily adolescent and preadolescent girls. Bruch, the author of the book, uses case studies to display what factors can lead an individual to anorexia nervosa and its symptoms and treatment. According to the book, anorexia nervosa is a complex disorder that is difficult to understand. Because every experience is unique, it takes the careful examination of the life of a patient to discover the mystery of what caused the disease. The author emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and, at the same time, offers guidance based on case studies to detect the danger signs. The stories in the book are interesting.…show more content…
Chapter 1, The Hunger Disease, talks about Alma, a formerly sweet, obedient, considerate girl that with the disease became demanding, obstinate, irritable and arrogant. A sweet girl became arrogant in the search for self-acceptance. Being thin gave Alma a sense of pride and power. Individuals with the disease demand a lot from themselves to feel valued, which then affects their psychological health. In like manner, anorexia nervosa affects the life of the family around those with the disease. Alma’s mother talks about how she feels when she sees her daughter hurting herself. She states the disease affected the whole family. They were “living in an atmosphere of constant fear and tension” (Burch, 2001). More evidence suggests that anorexia nervosa is one of the most emotionally destructive illnesses that not only affects the patient but also the entire family when one of its members suffers from the disease (Schwartz, 2011). In special, parents experience guilt since they think they did something wrong that caused their child to have the disease (Schwartz,

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