Mr Morrison And Mama Character Analysis

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Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. But, courage is not necessarily being fearless and performing great deeds. It can be as simple as telling someone a secret, or raising your hand in class. Courage is taking a risk. This admirable quality is frequently shown in characters throughout the novel, but most prominently in Mr. Morrison and Mama. In chapters 4-9, they both show that they are brave and true, but most of all, they demonstrate great acts of courage. Mr. Morrison displayed courageousness in many ways. He bravely defended Papa and Stacey when the Wallace's ambushed them on their way back from Vicksburg. The Logan family had provoked the Wallaces to retailate when they…show more content…
Mr. Granger and Kaleb Wallace enter Mama's classroom during a history lesson about slavery. Nevertheless, she keeps going and does not hesitate. Mama was speaking the truth about the awful time of enslavement, rather than the lies from th textbook. Mr. Granger noticed this. He saw she was teaching things not in the curriculm, and also chastises her for pasting over the cruel words in the book. The men were trying to show her what happens when she doesn't comply with the rules of society. Mr. Granger tells her she has no right to teach the things that are not in it. Mama becomes very brave and challenges Mr. Granger, the owner of the family's land, and tells him she can't. Mr. Granger asks her why, and she replies with, "Because all that's in that book isn't true." Mr. Granger seemed a bit startled by this, but remained calm. Consequently, he indirectly fires Mama by saying, "... you so smart I expect you forget about teaching althogether... then thatway you'll have plenty of time to write your own book." Mama stayed calm and did not seem the least bit unhappy, although deep down she knew she no longer had a job to support the family. But, in this scene, she took a risk by denouncing him in front of Mr. Wallace and her class. Even more so, she shows a great deal of

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