Moving To America Personal Statement

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Born and raised in Nigeria, I am the oldest among five siblings. It was important for me as the oldest brother, to show my siblings they can achieve anything that they put their mind to. My life took a drastic turn when I was studying at Abia State University while working on an Accounting degree in my sophomore year of college. My family and I saw a need for me to go to America to continue my education. We prayed about it, and God led us to apply to Victory Bible Institute, which accepted me. Soon after applying, I was admitted to Victory Bible Institute (VBI). It was just one step among many, leading up to my departure to America. Obtaining a visa from Nigeria was not easy. There was a lot of paperwork in the visa process followed by the…show more content…
Due to my immigration status, I was unable to work over a certain number hours each week. God gave me an idea to start my own business. I started by buying used vehicles and selling them to students. My business started growing. By the time I graduated from school, I had my own apartment and was getting ready to purchase my first house. Since then, God has helped me to accomplish everything that I have set out to do. I believe that the process of coming to America, has helped me to become a stronger and better man; one that my family and especially my siblings, would look up to. Although I miss my family all the time, I have been able to show my brother and sisters that they can achieve anything they set their heart on. With God, all things are possible. As a result of coming to America, I am able to support my family back home in Nigeria. My life turned around drastically and God is not through with me yet. Moving to American is only the beginning of the best days ahead of…show more content…
There was a lot of paperwork in the visa process followed by the interview. I was nervous and I prayed about it. I went into the visa interview and it was accepted the same day. I was overjoyed. The next challenge was securing finances, because the currency in Nigeria is different from America. The money I needed was a lot for my family to come up with. This was especially challenging because in Nigeria, 230 naira, the Nigerian dollar, is equivalent to 1 US dollar. My family was able to raise the funds to purchase my airline ticket in two months. My family and friends threw me a going away party, they were sad to see me go, but they knew it was God’s will. I was scared to go to America, where I did not know anyone or the culture. I was worried about how I would adjust to the customs and to the

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