Mourning Summary

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Meagan Hubbard Professor Engle College Comp 24 September 2015 Summary According to Claudia Rankine in “The Condition of Black Lives Is One of Mourning” black lives are just as much at high risk now as they ever have been. In this article Claudia talks about how black people are simply stuck in this world of racism. Black mothers are faced everyday with the fact that they might lose their son or daughter for no reason other than white people don’t like them. White liberals will try and say that they can relate to this, but they honestly can’t. One of the main things that this article talks about is the shooting that happened in Charleston, South Carolina and how fear remains a commonplace for blacks. Claudia says that just like the Charleston shooting, people will try and sugar coat the truth by changing the language that they use. This article also makes a point that Dylann Storm Roof, the shooter, didn’t become the way he is out of nowhere. He, like the rest of us, have been around it our whole lives.…show more content…
Emmett Till’s mother, Mamie Till Mobley, helped energize the Civil Rights Movement by making sure her son’s body was recognized by the public. Unlike Mobley, Michael Brown’s mother did not want her son’s body publicized. The Black Lives Matter movement is also a big topic in this article. This movement calls for recognition of the dead black people. Claudia also says that people will never really be able to recover from their white-supremacist beginnings and that our lack of feeling for one another is our biggest problem as a

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