Pan Yue's Poetry In The Six Dynasties Era

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During the six dynasties period, Pan Yue lived from 247-300 BCE. Many perceive Pan Yue, along with Lu Ji to be among the finest poets of his time. Unfortunately, only 20 of his poems survive. He was born in Henan province to a family of officials and he himself held a “succession of important official posts.” Legends state that his beauty was such that he would constantly be mobbed by crowds of women, while he was trying to drive through the streets of the capital. While he was executed in 300 dues to his political scheme. He had attempted to act against the emperor at that time and it was proven, deemed unacceptable and was executed for it. Yue’s three poems to his dead wife are his most famous works. Though he was also renowned as a writer…show more content…
This poem was written when the mourning period was just over.” Similarly to many other poets at the time of the Six Dynasties, and the dynasties to follow, nature becomes a symbol to express emotions and feelings. Yue mentions the relation to nature when he writes about the seasons changing. Starting with winter in the cold, and what one can analyze as a lonely time when you would like to have a partner at that time. When spring fades away, the beginning of spring can be a time to change, with the new flowers and the different weather it starts to express the real sorrow that comes with losing someone and having to go through the seasons changes. “Slowly winter and spring fade away; cold and heat suddenly flow and change.” During that time nature is used symbolically to not only express emotions but to also put a timeline as to what is happening. In the last lines of the first stanza nature is once again used to describe his emotions now that his wife is dead. “She has returned to the underground spring; separated by heavy soil. Secretly I want to join her there, but I can’t, so what is the use.” While he obviously knows that he cannot join her that doesn’t stop him from…show more content…
Her husband, Meng Xu, was the king of Sichuan during the Five Dynasties period. He gave her the appellation by which she is known- “Madam Flower Pistil.” After their kingdom was conquered Madam Hurarui was forced to join the harem of the conqueror. After this, it is said that she could have either been killed by one of the emperors heir or that she was forced to commit suicide by the emperor himself. Similarly to the many other poets of this time she took her experiences of what was going on around her in her life to base her poetry on. A vast amount of the poetry that was first written was based off of songs, and political agendas. It was a “normal” person or citizens view on the politics at that time. Some of the time the emperor wanted the poems to see for himself what could be changed. As for Madame Huarui she wrote much of her poetry which focuses on the life of women in the imperial harem. This poem she composed extemporaneously in response to the emperor, who had questioned her as to why her husband’s troops had surrendered. The poem is to the tune of “mulberry-picking song.” With the understanding of songs being composed for working in the fields when working would become hard they would sing a song to either make it easier or to help keep track of what is happening in the field that day. Her poem speaks to the fact that when they had to raise the white flag

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