Morals In Frankenstein

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Every person has certain things they believe in and value. Each person is affected by these beliefs and values. At different times, people face with a decision of whether to stand up for what they believe in and value or not. In a split second one has to decide what to do and whether to stand up or buckle under pressure. Standing firm in one’s beliefs and values requires moral integrity and courage. Those decisions are not easy and can carry lasting consequences. If one has made a decision already to stand firm, then it is much easier in that moment of pressure. I faced such a dilemma in my life. Once in my freshman year of high school, I faced a dilemma in my English class. At that time, we were reading the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.…show more content…
When I arrived in class that day, I had a feeling she chose the R rated version of Frankenstein. As I sat in my seat waiting for class to begin my stomach was in knots. When my teacher arrived in class, I asked her what version we were watching; she told me were watching the modern R rated version. At that moment I realized I had to stand up for my beliefs and values. Having been taught by my parents to not watch films that were R rated, I simply could not watch that film. After I said I could not view the film, my teacher replied saying it was just a film; it goes along with the book. Immediately, I responded saying it is not just a film to me and that my values and beliefs reflect who I am. Since I would not budge on my decision, my teacher then told me to go sit in the hallway for the class…show more content…
The teacher provided an alternate assignment for those who did not want to view the R rated film. By standing up for my beliefs, it caused a ripple effect which also helped others have an easier time as they faced the same situation. If I had not chosen to stand up, it would have had a lasting impact on my life and other’s lives. Sitting idly by and shoving my beliefs to the side would have caused my teacher to still be showing R rated films to students to this day without offering an alternative assignment. Since the time of this incident, I discovered that the required parental permission slips to show an R rated film according to the school policy had never been sent by my teacher. However, it really didn’t matter since I was able to stand firm in what I
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