The Monkey's Paw Essay

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Conflicts in “The Monkey’s Paw” “The Monkey’s Paw” was written by W. W. Jacobs. The story is about a man named Mr. White who gets a mysterious talisman called the monkey’s paw from a man named Sergeant Major Morris who warns Mr. White about the dangers of using the monkey’s paw. Mr. White is informed that the monkey’s paw can grant three wishes to a person, but can lead to misery in the person’s life. Mr. White, however, does not heed Sergeant Major Morris’s warning and uses up his first wish anyways, resulting in the death of his son, Herbert. About a week after the death of Herbert, Mrs. White, Mr. White’s wife, remembers about the monkey’s paw and convinces Mr. White to use it once again in order to bring Herbert back to life. However, Mr. White, afraid of the man his son may have become after being dead for a week uses the monkey’s paw one last time and wishes for his son to disappear. “The Monkey’s Paw” contains three types of conflict: man versus supernatural when Mr. White is in conflict with the monkey’s paw; man versus man when Mr. White is in conflict with Mrs, White; man versus himself when Mr. White is in…show more content…
“The Monkey’s Paw” introduces the conflicts of man versus supernatural when Mr. White uses the monkey’s paw to wish for two hundred pounds and gets cursed, man versus man when Mr. White fights with Mrs. White on using the monkey’s paw in order to bring their son back to life, and man versus himself when Mr. White is fearful of what he has done in bringing Herbert back to life and

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