In the short story, The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs, he shows plot conflict throughout the story. Plot conflict is the main problem that occurs throughout the story. The author uses plot conflict through, the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. In the introduction, Jacobs explains his characters and setting. The short story takes place in a tiny parlour in Laburnum villa. Mr. and Mrs. White are an older married couple who live in a farm house that is isolated.
The literary elements in The Monkey’s Paw are subtle but nevertheless they can be found if you know where to look. The author begins by setting the scene on a night that is “cold and wet” (Jacobs 2302), the use of these adjectives sets a dreary tone. Furthermore cold, wet nights are often used in literature during times of conflict for the characters and in the case of The Monkey’s Paw it could be seen that it implies an unpleasant future for the White family. However the characters are unaware