Individuality In Frankenstein

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Mary Shelly, in her novel Frankenstein, exposes the belief that people who are different are not normally welcome by society. Unless someone masks their individuality, like Frankenstein, then they are usually considered odd and pushed away from society. While Frankenstein's monster has manners and is a gentleman, his appearance makes others despise him and be afraid of him. The monster has to isolate himself in order to feel safe from mankind, which makes him feel lonely and unwanted. Through the monster isolating himself, Mary Shelly exposes what society can do to a person if they are deemed odd or different, which is something that Frankenstein tries hard to avoid. Frankenstein is different from the people in his hometown, which is what he notices when he moves away to study. After this discovery, which he thought at first was a good thing, he allowed his research to consume him. This isolation caused him to create a monster that made him even more different than the people in his hometown. Only upon seeing the creature come to life did Frankenstein realize just how different he was from what's deemed normal. Unfortunately, this made him throw the monster away into a world where appearance defines a person.…show more content…
Refusing to teach the monster meant that he had to learn on his own, which resulted in wanting revenge on his creator. The monster tried to reach out to others and feel accepted, but sadly learned how harsh society can be. The monster proves to Frankenstein that he is good, but his outward appearance convinces his creator that he will forever be destructive. Through these actions, Frankenstein continues to represent the morals of
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