Monsanto Environmental Issues

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It's no secret that, while many people in the United States continue to forge on with harmful agricultural sprays, unnecessary deforestation and creating foods loaded with heavy metals, other parts of the world are dedicated to stopping such horrors in their tracks. For example, France just announced a ban on the private sale of Monsanto's glyphosate. Many areas in Europe have also banned certain junk foods -- namely citing health-harming ingredients -- which are still sold in U.S. supermarkets. And in China, Environment Minister Chen Jining recently told members of the National People's Congress's that, if people commit environmental crimes, they'll receive violations, or will be arrested, fined or jailed. It's that simple.(1,2) People in China face unlimited fines, jail time for environmental crimes In fact, during this recent bi-monthly session, he informed members that, just last year alone, 3,400 companies and 3,700 construction sites were in violation of environmental laws. In addition to these violations, over 3,100 workshops were forced to shut down after inspections deemed it necessary. Tired of China's mounting problems with air pollution and issues with soil and water, Jining has vowed not just to express concern…show more content…
He's assessed a huge range of products; everything from pet foods and cereals to superfoods and beverages have been thoroughly examined, and the results have been eye-opening. For example, he was the first to shed light on the fact that small metal fragments are added to the popular cereal Wheaties. Bothersome amounts of heavy metals such as arsenic, aluminum, lead and mercury have been identified -- many in startling quantities -- through his lab work. He even appeared on The Dr. Oz Show to talk specifically about the dangers of heavy metals in our food

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