Modern Dance

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Second Period (1930) In 1929 a second wave of American dancers such as Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman along site the German born dancer Hanya Holm turned to the basic natural human movements like walking, running and even breathing and transformed them into dance moves and techniques that are still taught today around the world. They also developed movement styles, vocabularies and important training systems. Martha Graham who was a dancer in the Denishawn School focused her technique of contraction and release on exhaling and inhaling. In her first steps she practiced movements that started in the torso area. In the 1930s she collaborated with the Japanese sculptor Isamu Noguchi and produced narrative locales that were…show more content…
Modern dance was known as a technique with its very own inner coherence whereas ballet was known for keeping the essential systems of belief of its subculture. Both modern and ballet performers and choreographers stayed loyal to their traditions. Third period (1945) The Second World War ended in 1945 and with that a new period started for modern dance that continues until this day. Many American dancers found inspiration for their techniques and moves from modern dance in combination with ballet and social dance. Some of those dancers include Merce Cunningham, Twyla Tharp and James Waring. Likewise ballet dancers and choreographers used techniques and movements developed by modern dancers. Combining traditional ballet with Graham’s technique, Merce Cunningham was able to transform conventional dance making the spine the centre of movement. Unlike other dancers that were inspired by history, Cunninghams inspiration came from present times and that was shown through his works and choreographies. Music and stage decoration were not considered to depend on the dance style according to…show more content…
This is mostly because it is now expressed and presented through many dance genres such as jazz, contemporary and classical. From the beginning back in the 1900 until now, modern dance has been redefined countless times. Even though it is evidently not ballet by any means, it still uses some balletic movements. Moreover sometimes it examines multiple dance elements and sometimes it refers to a specific dance element or movement. As new generations of modern dancers appear the concepts, the movements, the practices and the techniques will always change and so will the meaning of the term modern
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