is assumed that stock prices usually follow random walk and thus concept of Random Walk is used to model the behaviour of stock prices. This practice assumes that investor act rationally and without any biases. So at a moment the valuation of stock prices is based on future expectation. In these circumstances, all present information affects the prices, and change happen only when new information comes out. However, in reality movement of stock prices do not completely follow random walk. There
Encarta Dictionary is defined as “1. Exchange of information, between individuals, for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs and behaviors; 2. Message, a spoken or written message; 3. Act of communicating; 4. Rapport, a sense of mutual understanding and sympathy; 5. Access, a means of access or communication, for example, a connecting door”.2 From this definitions, we could conclude that communication is an exchange of information or massage, that could be a spoken
clearly understood that every part of people’s life: politics, economics, nature, society and culture were changed. One of the most significant changes in the communication area was the end of the era when people were just passive consumers of information and the beginning of the era when they play an important role in communication between mass media and its audience. Nowadays people are not afraid to declare their thoughts and opinions about the future of media and mass communication. A category
Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) stated realistically work life conflict occur when contribution in work role creates problems in contribution of family role. He said that actually work well-life conflict could arise from difficult experience demands, stress arose within a role spill onto other role disturbing the grade of life, and behaviours that have been appropriate within a domain but you are considered
Wihlborg., (1987) is constituted by a set of four relative prices; the inflation rates, interest rates, exchange rates and political risk premiums (the premium charged by the company for the rules about the uncertainty of the market game). In any developing economy, it is important to consider these particular macroeconomic variables and how their behavior over time affects the company’s health and ultimately its survival. In recent times, the increased integration of the market as well as the correlation
Michael Porter introduced the diamond model in his book "the competitive advantage nations", he make a research in ten leading trading nation. It also referred to the Theory of National Advantage. It's designed to help government to understand the competitive advantage. It suggests that the national home base of any organizations are playing a supportive role in shaping the size or scoop to which it is likely to achieve advantage on a global scale. This home base provides basic factors, which support
Maslow’s satisfaction of security, affiliate, and recognition needs, and Herzberg’s nature of work and pay, as well as McClelland’s collegiality and autonomy. This conceptual understanding of work motivation later gave rise to the job characteristic model (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). The Process based-theories of work motivation gained prominence in the 1960’s. These
These councilors work closely with psychiatrists, psychologists, and other healthcare providers to meet the needs of their clients. Mental health councilors also work with clients suffering difficulties in areas outside diagnosable mental health disorders such as helping people cope with difficult life events. These events may including dealing with suicide attempts, stress related issues, grief, substance abuse, and career or educational
relationship. According to Rousseau (1989), there are essentially two types of psychological contracts. A transactional psychological contract is based on the exchange of extrinsic factors and its short-termed (De Cuyper & De Witte, 2006). Employees who base their contract on transactional terms may expect monetary rewards and financial gains in exchange for their services and efforts (Bellou, 2009). However, on the other hand, employees whose psychological contract
Marc Benioff (Co author of book) established the foundation at the same time as the company. The 1/1/1 Model of the foundation focuses on 1% of founding equity of, 1% of revenues and 1% of employee time. He says[4], “Colin Powell showed me that you can be a leader with great values and change the world, I never knew business could be used for good. Our compassionate capitalism model was from his inspiration.” The business leaders like Tata’s and Benioff’s are leaving an impression on