Models Of Health Information Exchange (HE)

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Health information exchange is an electronic system that allows healthcare providers and patients to access and share a patient’s vital medical information in an appropriate and secure way. This effectively improves the speed, safety, quality, and cost of patient care. ("What is HIE (Health Information Exchange)?" • What are the various models of HIE? o Directed Exchange  Currently, there are three forms of HIE. Directed exchange is one of the models of health information management. It allows health care providers to send and receive information to each other through electronic methods over the internet. Because the information transferred includes valuable materials such as results, referrals, discharge summaries, etc., the system is secured…show more content…
A major responsibility entrusted to members is to provide accurate information. They have to be able to respect patient’s privacy while also allowing verified members to access health data for appropriate uses. Great importance is placed on colleting accurate data in a timely manner. These points, themselves, aid in the development and integrity and quality when it comes to the health information exchange. HIE organizations are also overseen by a board of directors and an executive committee. They are often referred to as specialty committees. These people develop the policies and procedures that warrant the inputted health data to be accurate, complete, relevant, and up to date. The committees also define the standards for which the information would be considered…show more content…
o Health information exchange is a common form of solution for organizing patient information and can be a vital asset to any business. Whether building or joining an HIE, there are some preemptive measures that can be taken. These are essentially the several policies and procedures consistent with state and federal laws that an organization must sustain to in order to participate in the health information exchange. One would be that the organization would have to enter into an Organizational Participation Agreement or similar in order to be granted access to use the system. Once becoming an authorized user, policy dictates that the participant is also liable for maintaining the use of the system within other authorized personnel. With this, users are authenticated. Another stipulation is the prohibition of group user names or temporary user names. They would also have to refrain from sharing both user names and passwords with others along with allowing them to use said user names and passwords. ("Health Information Exchange (HIE) Policies and

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