Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

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In Mitch Albom’s memoir Tuesdays With Morrie, the author reconnects his close relationship with his dying college professor, Morrie Schwartz, and discusses the meaning of life every tuesday. The more the author and Morrie talk, the more Albom realizes how his life is so far from the life he dreamt of in high school and he aspires to be more like Morrie. The author’s feeling towards Morrie change gradually and sudden as the story progresses: from being uncomfortable and guilty that he hasn’t visited, to familiarity and admiration to his teacher who was acceptance of death. The reader, along with the author, slowly becomes inspired by Morrie because of the author's changed perspective. The story starts when Albom recounts his graduation from Brandeis University, where he says goodbye to tearily Morrie and promises that he will stay in touch, even though he does not. And until sixteen years later, they do not meet again until Albom recognizes Morrie’s voice from an interview on TV and reconnects with his old professor again. Albom is hesitant at first, and spends the first twenty minutes of their first meeting inside of his car outside of Morrie’s house. Morrie greets him enthusiastically, though the author does not feel like the student he once was.…show more content…
Over the lessons, Albom eventually becomes more comfortable with Morrie and feels more familiar with him. They reuse their old nicknames for eachother, ‘coach’ and
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