Comparing Chaucers Tale And Boccaccio's Decameron

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In The Clerk’s Tale, by Chaucer and Boccaccio’s Decameron, there are striking similarities. These two tales twist the story of the abused and “patient” Griselda, a woman who would do anything for her cruel husband. Even though they are strikingly similar, there are large differences in the texts. The two major differences in Chaucer and Boccaccio’s text are the way Chaucer uses the form of the frame narrative to insert his own opinions and ideals onto the reader, and the representation of religion in Chaucer’s tale that is not seen in Boccaccio’s story. Using the frame narrative presented in The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer twists The Clerk’s Tale to his own devices. As seen with his other tales, Chaucer uses certain language to persuade the audience to feel a certain way towards the characters he is presenting. This is especially present in the character of Griselda. He speaks of her “virtuous beauty” and that no…show more content…
Walter could represent a “Just God” who is cruel and unforgiving. Griselda faces her “trails” and is ultimately accepted into the “loving” arms of her Husband, as she cries aloud of God’s mercy. Do we have any choice in accepting God’s terms, as Griselda did Walters? This is the question this story proposes to its audience. Boccaccio’s tale speaks not of the will of God, but perhaps just a simple warning to women to be compliant to their husband’s will and whims and contribute to their own subjection. It suggests that women, who dutifully live to please and serve their husbands, shall ultimately be rewarded with happiness, even if the journey to salvation is painful. Chaucer’s tale speaks multiple times about how it is God’s will for what is to come, but Boccaccio’s story is much more dependent on its characters actions. Boccaccio’s Gualtieri speaks nothing of taking a wife for God, but purely because he wants to prove his loyal vassals

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