Mill's Categorical Imperative Theory

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When a person passes away and leaves behind a will, usually everything goes according to the original plan set by the deceased. There could be tension between loved ones over what is being left behind, but a written will establishes who receives what and how much. The dilemma revolving around Ms. Smith's previous and later will is interesting. The lawyer is left with a very tough decision and if they act accordingly to either Kant's and Mill's theories the results will be drastically different either for one person or potentially millions. However, after analyzing, applying and discussing both theories to this situation, the lawyer should find some common middle ground since both of these theories are difficult to agree with as being superior…show more content…
This would allow Ms. Smith's fortune to go to her lazy niece. The lawyer must be rational and logical in order to treat his client as an autonomous being and a member of humanity. The lawyer must not analyze and act quickly at face-value, but act with specific motivation to what is considered the right thing to do with the relationship they have with Ms. Smith as their client (pg.44). The lawyer must maintain trusting relationships with themselves and between their current and future clients. Going ahead with the earlier will not only robs the niece's autonomy but allows for the lawyer to treat the lazy niece as a mere means which disrespects her rationality. This goes against Kant's theory, which wants people to be treated as a valuable end in themselves (p.46). The lawyer must recognize the niece's rationality as valuable since she has goals, values, and interests of her own that should be respected even though the mentioned lawyer may think…show more content…
If the lawyer didn't follow the law they would lose their job and their law firm would lose future clients. As said with Mill's theory they must not put their happiness or unhappiness at a higher or lower level than another person being affected by their actions. However, in the real world lawyers would care about their happiness from their actions and there would be personal bias. If not then they would lose their job, their income would stop their family will now become homeless, miserable and starving and no better than someone in a famine which will make them

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