Amul Swot Analysis

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At the outset, w would take this opportunity to thank a handful of people without whose constructive support, completion of thos rport would not have been possible. First and foremost, w would like to thank our course faculty and guide, “PROFESSOR VANDANA GUPTA”, for the guidance and encouragemnt throughout th period of completion of report. Secondly w would like to thank all th people who gave us their valuable time and information which was the primary basis of report. We would also like to thank our other guides and friends for giving us their useful input about the topic. This report has immensely helped in the value addition to our knowledge. Objective 1) To understand the famous brands of ice cream. 2) To study their popularity and…show more content…
S.Nagarajan who is managing director and Mr. Anil Dev is the head of the sales.  It came as a wholly subsidiary of the NDDB(National Dairy Development Board) of India.  The company has revenue of Rs.7000 crores and more than 3500 employee working in. HOW DID IT START ? OTHER BRANDS:  Amul  Kwality walls  Vadilal SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths: • It has a recognized brand name and different variety of milk. • It has great opportunity to increase and scale up the production because of the increasing demand for these products. Weaknesses: • It has insufficient number of outlets. • The margin given to the outlet owners to match the existing competitors is very less. Opportunities: • With the increase in demand of dairy products, the scope of business also increases. • It should also increase its number of outlets to get the advantage of demand. • Face to face marketing should be increased in order to reach customers. Threats: • The competition is increasing day by day from the other brands. • Competitors providing strong supply chain as compared to mother dairy. • Marketing strategy by competitors is at much higher level compared to mother dairy ice

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