Miles And Snow Case Study

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In 1978, Raymond Miles and Charles Snow developed their strategic choice typology and helped in the launch of the business strategy. The American academics suggested that business level strategies generally fall into one of four categories: prospector, defender, analyzer, and reactor. The two scholars also examined how organisations adapt over time to changes in their environment. They defined their strategy “as a consistent pattern of decision making, and regarded the organisation’s behaviour as the best identifier of its strategy. Firms not only respond to changes in the environment. They also act to influence and co-create them, but are limited in making changes by the constraints from top management’s attitudes, beliefs and access to information.…show more content…
According to Miles and Snow, (1978), they identify four basic type of strategic behaviour and supporting organisational characteristics also known as Miles and Snow generic competitive profiles available to the organisation as…show more content…
Analyzers seek to maintain their position in the marketplace, waiting for the market's reaction to new product or new entrants into the marketplace. Once the market's reaction is analyzed, they pursue the opportunity, having identified the key success factors. They operate in at least two different product-market areas, one stable and one variable. In the stable areas, efficiency is emphasized. In the variable areas, innovation is emphasized. Miles and Snow characterised an analyser as a company with limited basic product line and that the analysers also share the elements of both prospectors and defenders. An example of an analyser company is Apple Incorporation, the company’s strategy operates in two types of product-market domains, one that relatively stable and the other in flux. The aim of Apple, is to minimise risk and maximise profit opportunities. It also balances the existing products and the

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