Pros And Cons Of Pitbulls

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Imagine your family has a reputation for having bad behavior, and everyone around the world only knows the side that shows negative behavior. However, your family also has a side that displays intelligence and love towards people and animals. That is what pit-bulls are. They have a bad reputation for being aggressive, but they are smart, and they love people and animals. Add this to your list they also have a large amount of energy to work for people. Many breeds have been taught to herd, protect, retrieve, and search for people, drugs, and bombs. Pit-bulls are emotionally closer to humans, so they work as service dogs. Often times people look at dogs and ask the gender of the dog, the breed, and if the owners plan on mating it. When you think…show more content…
Kate Bratskeir stated in her article that “Matthew Smith has used a wheelchair for 20 years,... when he got a service dog named Jericho.Jericho accompanies him everywhere, and reduces the anxiety he experiences in public places.” As previously stated pit-bulls are emotionally acute to humans and Jericho is a prime example of improving the name of pitbulls. Grennan stated that “you don’t have to train a dog to be around children, it’s just how you raise them”. If you socialize the dog with different species, they will be able to know how to conduct themselves with people (ranging from babies to adults) and other animals . Grennan also says that “the training that she does at a young age is imprinting,” they (the trainers) make loud noises bring them around differences surfaces, pull on their tails and ears so that they are used to it. ’’Dogs have a sense of interpreting people as far as their disposition” Marlon Grennan says “ to raise a dog with structure, rules, boundaries, limits, and leadership.” If a dog knows those things they will know how to act around people and other animals. Grennan also says “ when you insert balance into a dog's life, anything is possible.” If a dog lives a balance life they will always be by your side and will protect

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