Essay About Foreign Workers

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Foreign workers are the individuals who originate from outside the nation and afterward work abroad to discover and add to their wage. Most foreign workers originate from nations that are well poor and backward because too many people that an excess of individuals until the occupation is insufficient space for them. Subsequently, numerous have traveled to another country to discover the cash to meet their family life. With the passage of foreign workers into our nation, our nation can grow quickly as now, in the meantime as per the advancement of different nations. They are gifted in doing overwhelming work, for example, making structures, streets et cetera. Moreover, they are required to deal with and offer in homework, some assistance with…show more content…
Among them are foreign workers were taking jobs that should locals do. This has an impact on our local residents, especially on the youth. Because of these foreigners, local youth unemployment. Furthermore, the youth of our country are not proficient in heavy work and too choosy. Thus, a lot of unemployment among the local people. In addition, our economy is dependent on oil and gas production, but such resources are not going to last. Consequently, our country must think of ways to find sources of income besides the national economy and the sale of oil and gas. So, why do we use local people to do everything for the sake of development of our country? The money we invest not in vain if the locals from the foreigners invested. With this, the economy will not depreciate and the country will be stable as usual. Thus, we need to know the impact of foreign workers on our country. Although they have made more progress in our country, but they also have negative effects on our country as well. To avoid this effect continues, local residents, especially the youth must learn the various areas of work so that they are skilled and able. This is not only for the betterment of them, but also on the country because they were the ones responsible for the development of the
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