Middle Korean History

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Middle Korean can be dated back to the tenth century, which was the beginning of the Koryo period, and extending until the sixteenth century’s Imjin Wars (1592). Middle Korean can be further divided into Early Middle Korean (notable sources include: Kyeylim yusa - Things on Korea, by Chinese Song dynasty scholar Sun Mu, 1103-4; Samkwuk saki - Historical Record of the Three Kingdoms, by Kim Pusik, 1145) and Late Middle Korean which begins with the promulgation of Hwunmin cengum in 1446 and ends with the Imjin Wars (notable sources include: various Korean translations of Buddhist sutras and Buddhist literary works). The Middle Korean period is followed by Pre-Modern Korean, lasting until the establishment of Contemporary Korean (beginning of the 17th…show more content…
For example, the noun saj (meaning ‘new thing’) could function as a determiner in words just like saj kwusul (meaning ‘new beads’). Equivocal words like this became fixed determiners in CK. • Pluralization: LMK recognizes two ways of pluralization, according to the nature of the noun or pronoun. Non-honorific nouns and pronouns had the plural suffix tóhl (for example nehuj- tóhl meaning ‘you all’) and honorific nouns and pronouns were pluralized by adding the suffix naj (as in kutuj-naj, ‘you all’ [honorific]). On contrary, in CK, all nouns take the same plural suffix tul, while the suffix ney indicates the family of a person (as in Yongho-ney). • Personal pronouns: While CK has a distinction in humble and plain forms, LMK used na (which is considered plain in CK) even to the king. For second person, ne and honorific kuti/kutuj (in CK kutay [archaic]) ‘you’ were used. Tje/ce (CK ce) was used for the third person he/she and honorific cókja (CK caki [plain]) which was also used as a reflexive pronoun ‘self’. • Indefinite-interrogative pronouns: The only difference from CK detected was hyen ‘how many,

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