Mexico's Influence On American Culture

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1920’s Mexico was a time of revolution. The people of Mexico were tired of the oppressive and authoritarian style of dictatorship their president, Porfirio Diaz that they wanted to overthrow the whole system. This led to many changes, one being that art should move away from its elitist mind set and be for the layman. Thus the concept of art at that time was to bring the art to the people, to make it for the people, about the people and to bring pride to Mexico’s culture. So how was the concept art influenced by the culture it was in? It was influenced by the new government’s wants to spread their nationalistic views to the people and the need to bring back pride and power to the Mexicans. However, it was also influenced by other art movements…show more content…
4 is one of the murals Rivera painted, Dream of Sunday afternoon at Alameda Central Park. In this mural, there are many references to Mexican history and culture. The colours are vibrant and bright which is part of the indigenous culture of Mexico. He has characters from Mexico’s history in different parts of the mural and it also tells a story of Mexico’s past. It shows from the left the colonisation of Mexico, to the rich, upper class standing around in European style clothing with balloons and a sense of celebration to the indigenous people at the right being oppressed with a policeman fighting them back. And in Fig. 5 he also added different figures of Mexico’s history such as Porfirio Diaz and Ricardo Magon, a liberal writer who was against…show more content…
Rivera portrays an important figure in the Mexican revolution, Emiliano Zapata leading peasant rebels equipped with makeshift weapons such as farming tools. In the painting, Zapata is dressed in simple clothing, like the rest of people he’s leading. Zapata was always portrayed be it in the media or by himself as a charro, which was a flamboyant cowboy and Rivera for this wanted to make Zapata relatable to the public, to bring him to the status of the victor, champion of the people. This work might seem much influenced by Mexican culture through the use of a historical figure like Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, but there is some influence from European art. The horse that Zapata is holding on to, share the colour and presence of the horse of Paolo Uccello’s The Battle of San Romano, Fig 9, a work he studied while in Italy. In this whole work, Rivera’s influence from Mexico’s history and politics is very apparent and by making Zapata to be this hero, he managed to bring pride to Mexico’s culture with the images he used in his work. In this work, Rivera had symbolism of political

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