Beowulf: A Strong Example Of An Epic

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Epic poems are lengthy poems that praise the deeds of heroic warriors, and reflect the reality of life during the Anglo-Saxon time period. These poems are important because they were not just created for entertainment, but to teach lessons that instilled cultural pride and show how a true hero should behave. Beowulf is a strong example of an epic because it includes kennings, epic characteristics, and universal themes which are all an important part of epic poetry. Beowulf is a strong example of an epic in many ways, the first way being the compelling use of kennings (Poetic synonyms found in epic poems) throughout the text. “Twelve winters of grief for Hrothgar, king / Of the Danes, sorrow heaped at his door / By hell-forged hands” (Beowulf…show more content…
Life versus Death is strongly prevalent in the text Beowulf, “God must decide / Who will be given to death’s cold grip” (174-175). In this quote it is saying that it is ultimately up to God who lives and dies, and this is very obvious throughout the text. From battling Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the Dragon fate is up to God. The theme Good versus Evil represents Beowulf and all of the evil forces that he battles. Beowulf represents good because he is the hero and he sets examples for the people. Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the Dragon all represent evil because they are the antagonist in the text, the bad guys who torture and kill. “Grant me, then, / Lord and protector of this noble place, / A single request! I have come so far, / Oh shelter of warriors and your people’s loved friend, / That this one favor you should not refuse me-- / That I, alone and with the help of my men, / May purge all evil” (Beowulf 160-166). This quote is saying that Beowulf’s sole purpose is to defeat all evil and keep the people safe, making him the protagonist. These two quotes exemplify universal themes, and prove that Beowulf is a strong example of an epic. Universal themes found in Beowulf support that it is a strong example of an epic because these themes teach

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