Meursault In The Stranger, By Albert Camus

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When analyzing Albert Camus’ The Stranger, it is suggested by the author that Meursault is driven by the priority and importance of a physical world. Throughout the novel, Meursault faces the challenges of death, love, and the outcomes of societal actions. His reaction to these items is what fuels not only his emotions, but the way in which he reacts to the events, as well as the world around him. These physical urges compel him to do things that are not accepted by society, and ultimately lead to his imprisonment. “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe. I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: ‘Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.’ That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday” (Camus 3). Meursault’s lack of sorrow…show more content…
When the caretaker is about to leave before giving Meursault some alone time, Meursault states that “having this presence breathing down my neck was starting to annoy me. The room was filled with beautiful late-afternoon sunlight. Two hornets were buzzing against the glass roof. I could feel myself getting sleepy” (Camus 7). Meursault is notably sidetracked from the seriousness of the funeral and his attention is on nothing but on the way his surroundings and the environment makes him feel. Instead of him mourning over the casket of his mother, he gets annoyed by the caretaker’s concern and the heat radiating through the windows. He is once again engulfed in his own discomfort from the climate besieging him, rather than lamenting. His character is displayed here, especially due to diversion from why he is at the funeral home in the first place. Later in the chapter, Meursault is overpowered by his physical needs once again. Once night has fallen, the vigil for Maman is beginning. Meursault shows proper manners at first by hesitating when debating whether or not he should have a smoke. However, since Meursault’s physical desires override his emotions and conscience, he gives into such urges for personal satisfaction. Even though smoking can be seen as a…show more content…
His concern on the way his body feels results in attention being diverted away from his mother’s death. When Meursault was finished with the vigil, he met up with Marie. He craves her physical touch and savors the memories that they share in bed, as well as her erotic actions. He chose to go and see a comedy with her so shortly after Maman dies, which will eventually be a key event leading to his execution. The jury will focus on Meursault’s lack of emotion and the fact that he put Maman’s death to the side in order to fulfill his sexual and social needs with a

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