Hostage Negotiation Case Study

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incidents such as hostage situations. This plan should include training of all staff and personnel, define responsibilities, and contain contingency plans for the different types of critical incidents that may occur within the facility (Carlton & Garrett, 2008). One of the leading trainers for hostage negotiation was retired NYPD detective Dominick Misino (1950-2013). My response in based on what I learned from his classes and his books. In response to this scenario as I would have a trained negotiation tram composed of staff members that would respond to this incident. The team would consist of a lead negotiator, secondary or back-up negotiator, and a scribe to record the details of the negotiation. The reason for this is the person…show more content…
Before negotiations begin there should be a tactical team in place ready to make forced entry if the situation deteriorates. The rules discussed by Carlson and Garrett (2008) are also principles set forth by Misino (2004). No matter what occurs, the inmates will not be given weapons, alcohol or drugs, and one hostage will not be traded for another, and no sentence will be reduced. Other than these things, most other things are negotiable. Once contact is made the negotiator should ask for the release of the hostage before continuing any negotiation. This will most likely be refused, but the negotiator should continually ask for the release of any hostages throughout the negotiation process. The negotiator should also identify the person controlling the incident and gain as much intelligence as possible about hostages, weapons, and any other useful information. The negotiator should set a tone of honesty and trust with the inmate. If asked, the negotiator should be straightforward that the demands for the keg of beer and trading of hostages will not happen. The negotiator can tell the hostage taker that the decision on charges is not his to make…show more content…
The negotiator should also personalize the hostages by calling them by their first names. The guard should be painted as a mother and her children talked about using their first names. The more human the hostages seem to the hostage taker, the harder it is for him to harm them. Another major point for the negotiator to use is the fact that no one has been harmed. The negotiator should not make promises that cannot be kept, otherwise the hostage taker will lose trust. While no sentence can be reduced, the negotiator can promise to testify that no one was hurt and that this could lessen any possible additional sentence. The negotiator should also allow the inmate to detail exactly how the captain in question has been harassing inmates. On the demand for the trading of hostages, the negotiator, with approval from the warden, can promise that the administration will investigate the claims of harassment by the captain, but only if the hostage is released unharmed. Most likely during the process, the hostage taker will ask for other things such as food or cigarettes. These things would require the hostage taker giving up something, preferably the hostage, but throwing out all

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