Mesopotamia And Shang Compare And Contrast

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Mesopotamia and the Shang and Zhou china were two very popular ancient civilizations. Mesopotamia is defined by two rivers called the Tigris and Euphrates River. Shang dynasty became in control in 1650 B.C. In 1027 B.C. the Shang dynasty was overthrew by the Zhou dynasty. The Shang and Zhou dynasty were one of the early civilizations in China. These civilizations had many contrast, however they were alike in some ways. Shang dynasty The Shang dynasty was from 1650 B.C. through 1027 B.C. The Shang Dynasty is also sometimes called the Yin dynasty. This dynasty was in the center of China and stretched as far as north as modern Shandong and Hebei provinces and westward through westward Henan Provence. The Shang Dynasty moved its capital six times…show more content…
They emerged to drive off nomads from northern steppes and deserts. We also see that woman held power among the people. We see one of the kings wives have been buried with leading armies against invaders. This evidence shows that noble women had power like men in history. Since woman had power some kings controlled only a small area. Loyal princes and nobles governed most of the land. These nobles were most likely the head of common ancestors in that time. Even tough this dynasty was techno savvy for its time most of the people were peasants most people lived in farming villages because they have not yet turned to nomads yet peaseants lived hard and grueling lives. All family members of peasants worked in fields all day using stone tools to prepare the ground and harvest the grain. When the peasants were not in fields or doing another work there were to repair any dikes. Also, if war were to brake out, the men were to fight along side of there…show more content…
The Tigris River and Euphrates River define Mesopotamia which means land between the rivers. Mesopotamia has the Sumer, Fertile Crescent, Akkad civilizations in it. In Sumer the fertile land of a river valley attracted Stone Age farmers. Sumerian city-states battled often for food, land, and water. They often turned toward courageous war leaders. Over time the war leaders turned to hereditary rulers and lords over the civilization. In each city state in the region of Mesopotamia the ruler was responsible of the irrigation system and city walls. He led armies and enforced all laws. He also had people to collect taxes and keep records sort of like in today’s society. All of the city-states had some sort of hierarchy. There was a high, middle, and low class of people. Like in other civilizations of the times they had slaves. Most of the slaves had been captured in many wars. Some, however, had sold themselves into slavery to pay off there debts or family members

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