Mental Health Literature Review

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“Mental Health Promotion and Problem Prevention in Schools: What Does the Evidence Say?” is a published scholarly journal by Katherine Weare and Melanie Nind. The author's purpose of this journal is promoting positive mental health tactics in schools and integrating positive approaches towards mental health in schools. The journal also mentions interventions such as different teaching skills, balancing universal and targeted approaches, starting early with the youngest children and continuing with older ones (Weare and Nind). The authors mention that it is important to note that specified interventions are only effective if they were completely and accurately implemented, this applied to entire school interventions (Weare and Nind). It highlights…show more content…
She is a credible author because of her experience and knowledge in education and mental health. Weare is a Professor of Education at the University of Southampton, England. Some of the books she has been the author or coauthor of are the following, “Promoting Mental, Emotional and Social Health: A Whole School Approach”, “What Works in Developing Children's Emotional and Social Competence and Wellbeing”, “Happy Teachers Change the World: A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education” and more (Weare and Nind 36). Melanie Nind is the second author of, Mental Health Promotion and Problem Prevention in Schools: What Does the Evidence Say, she is a credible author for the following reasons: Nind is a professor of Education at the University of Southampton, UK, she is also a co-director of ESRC National Centre for Research Methods and Co-Editor of the International Journal of Research & Method in Education, she is best known as the author or co-author for some of the following publications: “Doing Research Inclusively: Bridges to Multiple Possibilities in Inclusive Research”, “Concepts of Access for People with Learning Difficulties: Towards a Shared Understanding”, “Disability & Society, Supporting lifelong learning for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties, Support for Learning”, and more (Weare and Nind 36). The authors, Katherine Weare and Melanie Nind’s extensive knowledge of mental health and their education make them credible authors. Not to mention, being that this work was published by Oxford University Press it is a valid source for others to

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