Mean Girl Movie Essay

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You Can’t Sit With Us Within a “classic” movie Mean Girls, and a more serious film, Selma, there are many similarities such as the underlying messages and differences, such as the tactics they used to get those messages across. With the use of the Sociological, Psychological and Historical approach, these messages will become clearer on the modern issue of racism/stereotypes affecting our society. Selma has been a pivotal turning point in society shedding light and bringing to life the brutality of the trying times of African Americans gaining access to their basic rights. Selma showed both the sociological and psychological tendencies towards society with the positive and negative ripples. Touching on the psychological tendencies, MLK stood above all as an idol in the eyes of his followers. Social psychology starts to focus…show more content…
This film portrayed that when you are the represented its easy to think that the representation is completely irrelevant. One of the most influential scenes in Selma shows MLK doing a vivid examination on an unsuccessful anti-segregation march campaign that he helped with in Albany, to be sure that the same faults aren’t made back in Selma. With a lack of Tactics — marches, arrests upon innocent people — but in the end, having no goal-reaching approach, just a formless goal of desegregation in a town with the thanks to marches on several façades. During this scene is when MLK clarifies that the triumph on the Civil Rights Movement relies on creating drama so the public can see what is actually going on, the media, such as news stations and reporters, and most importantly the government. The campaign hosted in Albany is looked at by MLK as a failure, with the absence of an intellectual approach and the lack of achieving a tangible goal looked at by the sides of Sheriff Pritchett who treats the campaigners humanitarianly, verse the harsh Sheriff Connor of Birmingham. “Is your sheriff
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