Maya Angelou Civil Rights Activist

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Maya Angelou has always been known for speaking about how women, not only all women, but African American women in particularly did not have much of a voice in this time era. Maya’s early life consisted of her discovering self­confidence and pride in herself and for African American women. Maya Angelou is a very known award­winning author, poet, and Civil Rights Activist. She is most known for her wonderful work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. The term multifaceted can be applied to Maya, whose career as actress, dancer, singer, and editor has unfolded in United States, Egypt, Ghana, as well as in Europe. As a poet, Maya speaks in many voices­that of the sentient women, that of the satirical observer, that of the folk consciousness (Collier and Long 622). Maya was a close friend with Martin Luther King Jr., and when she was labeled as a Civil Rights Activist, that is what the society was referring to. Angelou wrote the poem “Phenomenal Woman” in 1995 when William J. Clinton was president, the Million Man March event took place, and Selena had passed. William J. Clinton was president. Clinton lead the U.S. to the longest economic expansion…show more content…
Angelou did not live the best life any other person would want to live. Maya was born in 1928, when she was 3 1/2 her parents divorced. She was raped when she was 7 1/2 years old by her mother’s boyfriend; due to the rapeing she was virtually mute for five years after she moved back to Kansas. The 1950’s is when everything started coming together. The early 50s Maya had the opportunity to adopt the stage name Maya Angelou. In the late 50s Maya had moved to New York City to be involved in the political and literary scene. Guy, her son, had his first appearance in 1995. In 1995, the 16­year­old Maya Angelou gave birth to her firstborn son, Guy. The short­lived relationship in high school lead to

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