Informative Essay On Haiti

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There are so many cultures to talk about in this world. But, I’m going to explain about my culture Haiti. Haiti is located in the Caribbean next to Dominican Republic, (both islands are known as Hispaniola). The capital of Haiti is Port au Prince which is also the biggest City in Haiti, as of 2015 there is 10,415,849 Million people in Haiti. Haiti has a mixture of Spanish, French and African traits, Haitian Creole, Their primary Languages are French and Haitian Creole. Creole is mixture of French and African languages But, Creole is basically broken French. Creole is one of the most beautiful languages to speak, also as French. The history of Haiti all started in 1492 when Christopher Columbus Claimed the island of Hispaniola for Spain, then they built…show more content…
In December 1990 Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Former Catholic Priest) was elected Haitian President in the Haitian General election, in the following year he was overthrown by military in the 1991 Haitian Coup D’état. In 1994 the US approved a trade embargo and later had to authorize the use of forces to restore democratic rule. The US had an intention to take over the island. Haiti’s military leaders gave up power under its amnesty, and the US had to overseas the translation. In March 1995 Rene Preval was elected to succeed Jean-Bertrand Aristide , and as a of Today the current Haitian President is As years has gone by Haiti has suffered throughout my complications and problems, including one of the biggest disasters in Haiti was the 2010 Haiti Earthquake on January 12. It was a magnitude of 7.0. It sent 33 aftershocks ranging in magnitudes of 4.2 to 5.9. Even year’s later Haiti has not been the

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