Market Segmentation In Tourism

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Segmentation of a market involves dividing the individual market into groups which have homogeneous characteristics within the segment and heterogeneous characteristics between the segments, depending on identified set of variables (Dolnicar 2004, 245). Market segmentation helps the marketer understand the market, identify and exploit new market opportunities as well as predict customer behavior. Segmentation is applied in tourism marketing among different groups of travelers, who show varying responses to changes in marketing mix variables. This is done depending on the tourists’ lifestyles to influence their consumer demand for products and services within a particular destination. Segmentation by lifestyle involves all the aspects that identify the desirable target markets using demographic descriptors. It seeks to target consumers depending on their choice of spending money and time based on common values, motivation, opinions, access to resources, interests and values as well as attitudes and orientation. Gonzalez and Bello (2002, 52) delve into tourism market segmentation with regard to construct “lifestyle” based on the tourists’ behavior to guide operators ascertain and implement market segmentation. Moreover, they offer analysis…show more content…
Lifestyle is a sub-set of culture therefore construct “lifestyle” is dependent upon the culture of a particular market whereby the pursuant of prestigious products is totally different between varying cultures. This calls for strategies that necessitate lifestyle considerations in the determination of segmentation and pricing as advocated by Gonzalez and Bello (2002, 57). The study reviews lifestyle choices and their adoption by correctly categorizing individuals to relevantly segment the tourism market based on the behavior of

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