Magna Carta Research Paper

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The key principles of the Magna Carta are evident in today’s society and are the basis for the rule of law. The rule of law, is defined as, “the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.” The principles of the Magna Carta that enforce the rule of law are the right to a trial by jury, habeas corpus, nobody is above the law, and women’s rights. It provided the foundation to human rights laws that are set in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms today. In 1948, when the United Nations was drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, they were inspired by the ideals in the Magna Carta. When the Canadian Government enacted the Human Rights Act, it was referred to as the…show more content…
Similar to our southern neighbours, police are treated above the law in certain cases. In 2012, Constable Geoff Purdie of the Niagra Regional Police Service was charged with conspiracy to distribute more than $500,000 worth of anabolic steroids. The Niagra Police force has had complaints for numerous years involving officers and trafficking steroids, but did not investigate. As well as steroid complaints, Purdie has received previous accusations of abuse. In one particular case, Laura Crawford called 911 for a domestic dispute card, wanting an officer to negotiate an argument between her an her husband. When Purdie arrived at her door, he began repeteadly beating her husband in the face. This was not the first time Purdie got carried away with violence. His violent behaviour against innocent citizens and trafficking of anabolic steroids continued for many years before he was finally…show more content…
By definition, Habeas corpus, “requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person’s release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.” A convicted criminal serving time can file a habeas corpus petition, which objects to their detention or imprisonment. This is often a procedure carried out by those who have been wrongfully convicted. A popular wrongful conviction in Canada is the Gregory Parson’s case. In 1991, Gregory Parsons was accused of murdering his mother, Catherine Carroll. He was convicted of second-degree murder on February 15, 1994. He receieved a life sentence and no chance of parole for fifteen years. Filing for habeas corpus is a lengthy process. Parsons began filing for habeas corpus as soon as he was imprisoned. He was granted bail on March 25, 1994. His appeal was not held before the court until March 11, 1996. Later that year, on December 3, the Newfoundland Court of Appeal ordered a new trial. Fortunately, in the years since his arrest, DNA testing had improved. On January 26, 1998, Gregory Parsons was exonerated after DNA testing confirmed he was not at the scene of the

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