Dionysus Followers

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Analysis of Dionysus and his followers in Red Figure Pottery This vessel is a bell krater dating to approximately 380 BCE, attributed to the Erbach painter (Otago Museum information for artefact E60.14). The vessel depicts a general scene of Dionysus and his followers, with Eros the god of love also shown. Dionysus is seated and surrounded by his followers, the Maenads and the Satyrs, who are dancing around and worshipping the wine god. Winged Eros, the god of love, is also depicted here, floating above the dancers, playing a flute. Dionysus is clearly identifiable by the thyrsus, a pinecone topped staff, he holds in his hand and the grape vines growing around him. He is also shown with long flowing hair, adorned with a crown, and is pose is effeminate. Dionysus is often shown with feminine characteristics in myth (Ogden 327-328). Dionysus is painted larger than the other figures on the vessel, to show his status as a god. The god is surrounded by his followers: the Maenads and Satyrs. The Maenads are…show more content…
This kylix attributed to Makron, shows Dionysus holding a drinking cup, and being attended to by a satyr pouring a libation at his feet. This kylix does not feature all of the figures that are on the krater, because a kylix has a much smaller space to paint; so fewer figures depicted. In this vessel Dionysus is bearded and looking more masculine than his depiction on the krater. However he is still recognisable by his crown of vines, and the thyrsus he holds. His thyrsus is much more stylised in this depiction, and is simply topped with vines. The satyr on this kylix looks very similar to the depiction on the krater, with the notable addition of his erect phallus. The wine god is heavily linked to fertility, usually the fertility of the vines, but he is also linked to human fertility and his cults and portrayals will often include phallic

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