Analyzing The Character Of Jesus In 'The Scarlet Letter'

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Diseased, shunned, wounded, all words used to describe a man who would later become a famous example of unrelenting faith. A man who seemingly has no hope still seeks out Jesus in his trial. Jesus cleansing the leper, is not only an established act of love and empathy, but a corroboration of his power. Teaching the people of the past and present, that God is unmatched in his glory. 40 "A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, "If you choose, you can make me clean." 41 Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, "I do choose. Be made clean!" 42 Immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean. 43 After sternly warning him he sent him away at once, 44 saying to him, "See that you…show more content…
No name is given, but he knows of Jesus' power as evidence of his plea. "[…] If you choose, you can make me clean" (Mark 1:40). He does so knowing that he is considered unclean. "The law prescribed that lepers be excluded from the community. As a result, lepers tended to be social derelicts" (Arnold 217). Though he is respectful, the man is making a very risky move by approaching Jesus in his condition. "The leper approaches Jesus with humility, which was the proper *Old Testament way to approach God for prayer, although the fact that he even approaches Jesus also indicates a measure of holy boldness" (Keener 132). Jesus has no hesitation in touching the man; this shows his compassion and empathy for the leper. Jesus responds to the man's statement of faith in his own words. "[…] I do choose. Be made clean!" (Mark 1:41). The power of Jesus is demonstrated in the instant healing upon touch. Jesus gives the man a stern warning not to tell anyone about his healing, but to go see the priest. (Mark 1: 44) Though, he gives no context for his reasoning. The man did not listen and his story spread."[…] Jesus could no longer go into a town openly, but stayed out in the country; and people came to him from every quarter"(Mark 1:45). This last verse now indirectly gives an answer to the previous question. Too many people knew about Jesus and he could no longer go to the people in town. Instead he stayed out in the country and people started…show more content…
This is added here, in Mark, to show that Christ's power is employed by his pity for the relief of poor souls; that his reasons are fetched from within himself, and we have nothing in us to recommend us to his favor, but our misery makes us the objects of his mercy" (Henry 371). No one deserves the love of God, but still time and time again he gives it to us unconditionally. That is clearly seen in this passage. One detail that is not quite clear in Mark's telling of this story, is why Jesus sent the leper to see the priest after he was healed. Arnold briefly explains the answer to this question by summarizing Leviticus 14:1-32. "Though the man has been cleansed of his disease, he remains in social limbo until he has been examined and declared clean by a priest and has offered the appropriate sacrifices" (Arnold 217-218). This being a command the Lord originally gave to Moses in

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