Mackie's Problem Of Evil

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Problem of Evil: Does the existence of evil provide a good reason for thinking that an omniscient, omnipotent, omni-benevolent deity does not exist? Its been a long time since many philosophers, theologists, and atheists have been arguing on the existence of God. The existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, and omni-benevolent God has been criticized because of the existence of evil. This is known as the problem of evil. This essay attempts to answer questions that come with problem of evil like: Since God is all powerful, why he is not able to prevent evil? If God is all-knowing, he would know that evil exists and people are suffering. Why are no actions being taken to prevent this? If God is most- benevolent, why does he allow evil and suffering?…show more content…
L. Mackie criticizes the free will defence. He complains that “It may be objected that God’s gift of freedom of to men does not mean that he cannot control their wills, but that he always refrains from controlling their wills. But why, we may ask, should God refrain from controlling evil wills?” (Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence, 311) In order to understand the reasoning behind free will, it would make more sense if we go back in history to the time when Adam and Eve were created. In short, stated in religious books, Adam was warned by God that he could have anything in paradise besides a fruit from that certain tree. Due do Satan’s influence, Adam disobeyed God and ate a fruit from the tree. This story explains free will. I…show more content…
How about natural evil such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes? If God is omni-benevolent, why should the humankind suffer through such disasters? I believe that God allows such disasters as means of punishment. Humankind is imperfect, therefore everyone makes mistakes. Because God is the most just, punishment should exist for the wrong doers. Natural disasters and suffering also happens as a sign of warning for people. I believe that through hardships and pain we learn humility, piety, and patience. I believe every deed has either punishment or reward. I insist that the reason why God allowed pain and suffering is for us to grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. John Hick’s Soul-making Theodicy proves my view. According to Hick, God allows human pain and suffering because its a way of producing a human being. He suggests that there are two stages in human beings. One is the physical production of a human being. Second is further mental, emotional, and spiritual growth and development, gaining goodness. Another reason why God allowed pain and suffering is that people can make moral choices and therefore have moral growth. He states “ in a situation in which no one can ever suffer injury or be liable to pain or suffering there would be no distinction between right and wrong actions” (Hick, Soul-making Theodicy, 319). He believes that people need to experience natural evil and challenges in order to fully develop, and gain

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