Knowledge Can Be Dangerous In Frankenstein By Mary Shelley

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Knowledge Can Be Dangerous It is easy to bypass our responsibilities, but we cannot bypass the consequences of bypassing our responsibilities. In the novel “Frankenstein” Mary Shelley shows the reader how the human desire to acquire and utilize knowledge and technology can be a double edged sword for humanity and if it is not utilized responsibly, it can damage and destroy us. Frankenstein is the story of an intelligent young man who has the confidence and strong desire to create a monster. His experiment leads him to feeling guilty and results in a complete failure. Mary Shelley uses foreshadowing, imagery of nature, and allusion to develop the theme that knowledge can be dangerous. Throughout the story we can see that the characters thirst for knowledge can bring them places that are dangerous and unwanted.…show more content…
At the beginning of the story, it says that “before misfortune had tainted my mind.” (20) Mary Shelley uses foreshadowing to suggest to the reader that Victor’s early life was happy. Some unknown event will change his fortune and cause him misery. This prompts the reader to continue on. This is Building mystery and suspense. Another instance when foreshadowing is used is when “Elizabeth had caught scarlet fever, her illness is severe.” (23) Mary Shelley is telling us that the fever Elizabeth and Caroline caught is very serious. You could tell that Caroline was not going to make it. Some changes are going to need to be made within the family. It was very clear that if the reader kept reading she would pass away. To summarize, Mary Shelley uses foreshadowing as a clue to what’s going to happen
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