Witches In Macbeth

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The witches play a vital role in Macbeth; they all have supernatural powers in which they use to feed the manipulated Macbeth with his ambition. The witches are the three sisters in the Greek mythology, the ones who decides the human destiny. In the Greek mythology, these sisters are the ones who create and destroy the life of a person, in Macbeth they play with Macbeth’s destiny giving him overconfidence. Clotho was the youngest of the three Fates; she spun the thread of destiny the one who determines the time of birth of an individual. Laches’s, measured the thread length to decide the length of life, but the cruelest was Atropos because she was the one who determines the time of death ("The Fates " ). The witches are recognized like the…show more content…
When you commit a wrongful action, like hurting someone, your mind retains the situation and starts creating guilty feelings. In Macbeth, Shakespeare communicates, “You don't know how powerful your mind is until your feelings wake up and destroy you”. This revealed in the book when Macbeth says, “One cried, ‘God bless us!’ and ‘Amen’ the other, As they had see me with these hangmans hands. List'ning their fear I could not say ‘Amen’, when they did say Macbeth ‘God bless us’ ” (Shakespeare 57). This demonstrates that when you feel guilty, your mind does not let you breathe. It attacks you until you begin to go crazy. The quote refers to the guilt that Macbeth feels when he kills King Duncan because he cannot pronounce the word “Amen” because he knows that what he has committed is wrong and he also knows that God won’t forgive…show more content…
I mean when you are born you have some values. The values you have you may develop them or someone else may do it, that’s the part where society enters. There are some actions that in my opinion make Macbeth and Lady Macbeth evil and also gave the play the human drama that you notice when you read it. The series of murders that occur in Macbeth created by the uninhibited ambition of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth demonstrate that they are evil and no matter what they want there are available of doing anything for gaining that goal. The sins that you may identify and that make Macbeth evil are the pride, lust, avarice, gluttony, anger and the jealously. When Macbeth kills Duncan it show us the pride, the most difficult sin to forgive, the miserliness you can identify when Macbeth betrays the king. “But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we'll not fail” (Shakespeare 44) when Lady Macbeth creates the plan for kill Duncan so Macbeth became king, she challenges Macbeth to commit to the plan to murder King Duncan and that makes her also an evil person not only because she has desires for killing also because she shows all her anger from King Duncan. Also, you can say that a person is “born evil” and that the environment help that person to be more evil when their desires becomes evil for example, “From this moment the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand” (Shakespeare 144). Know Macbeth
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