Stereotypes In Macbeth

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In Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, there is a lot of clear gender stereotyping. Between men and women, there is biased portrayal of both. Men, typically are controlled by masculinity, and women are evil spirited and careless of others. This could all be an effect of Shakespeare's possible misogyny. It is evident to determine that Shakespeare did favor men more than women.Throughout the play, there is not any major character change between genders, just death. There are obvious differences between these two genders used in Macbeth. One is seen much more unfavorable than the other. Women are typically sensitive, rude, careless and users in the play. Men are honorable, brave and innocent. The content in his plays seems to be a result of his own misogynistic beliefs. It's noticeable in a lot of his plays, but more specifically Macbeth. The three witches and Lady Macbeth are the best examples of how women are in the play. Both negative roles, the fact that the witches are witches speaks for itself. They are cruel and twisted and devious. They’re main purpose is to create confusion with Macbeth. Lady Macbeth was evil and carless for…show more content…
There is a scarce amount of female roles in most of shakespeare’s play, specifically Macbeth. Only a total of six women, compared to the total of 21 men, who are just the main characters. The women's’ personalities of Macbeth are all made to be negative and unpleasant. Lady Macbeth’s character is evil and manipulative in the story. She persuades her ‘innocent’ husband to kill the king, because of her thirst for fortune. Not only are just the women in this play given awful identities, but are portrayed stereotypically. They are seen as bitter and sensitive. When Macduff is speaking of murder, Lady Macbeth is with him and he believes that she, as a woman, is too delicate to even hear that kind of talk. “O gentle lady, 'Tis not for you to hear what I can speak. The repetition in a woman's ear”

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