Key Variables Of The NCLEX-PN

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 Is the title a good one, succinctly suggesting key variables and the study population? The brief title is good and it was clearly defined, because it informs the readers the overall purpose study. The title leads the readers to the abstract. It informs the readers that the study is a literature review with a key population of practical nursing students. The researcher mentioned about the demographic, pre-admission, and programmatic as the three key variables of the study in determining the predictive value for NCLEX-PN success in statewide 2 year college program. The NCLEX-PN licensure examination was chosen as the dependent variable in the study.  Does the abstract clearly and concisely summarize the main features of the report (problem, methods, results, conclusions)?…show more content…
Likewise, it clearly defines the purpose of the study, which is to predict the success of practical nursing students on licensure examination. There was no conclusion introduced in the abstract. The study included examination of three variables such as demographic, pre-admissions, and programmatic variables to determine the NCLEX –PN success in a statewide 2 year college system. Identify the problem.  Is the problem stated unambiguously, and is it easy to identify? I do not believe that the problem is stated unambiguously. The problem does clearly identified for the reason the study was performed. The aim and the problem of this study and how it will be undertaken certainly appear within the opening sentence of the studies abstract.  Does the problem statement build a cogent, persuasive argument

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