Loyalty And Loyalty In Nursing

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The highest mean is observed on the first statements, “This department deserves my loyalty” (5.57) and “I owe a great deal to my department” (5.38). It was not difficult to imagine that an ED nurse developed a sense of loyalty and obligation towards their department because of organizational tenure. Increasing tenure was generally associated with increased value of the individual who has invested making his stay in the organization more attractive (Iqbal, 2010). Senior ED staff nurses view their past years of service to the organization as an investment, and they have the psychological barrier that it would be more difficult for them to shift from one job to another. Long-service employment also develop an attachment to their organization.…show more content…
This Filipino trait made ED staff nurses feel the need to reciprocate what their department does to them. As a form of reciprocity for the enhanced and acquired skills and training, ED staff nurses will sustain their loyalty to the organization. This finding conforms to the results of the study of Saks (2006) where he stated that workers who feel that the organization gives them the opportunity in their work roles will tend to reciprocate with positive attitudes, such as normative commitment toward the organization. Similarly, Badu & Asumeng (2013) found that those employees who receive socioeconomic resources from their organization will respond and repay their organizations in some form leading to an increased organizational…show more content…
ED staff nurses mentioned that aside from attending to the emergent needs of patients, they handle or do multi-task. ED staff nurses do clerical jobs like covering the work of the accounting staff and front desk secretary during the 11:00 pm -7:00 am shift due to having no staff on duty. In addition, ED staff nurses carry out the work of nursing attendants due to under staff. This working condition is very exhausting to affect their desire to remain in their current department (Jafaraghaee, Mehrdad, & Parvizy, 2014). It was mentioned by ED staff nurses that working in the ED is challenging and rewarding, yet they experience physical and mental exhaustion due to overwork, which causes frustration or withdrawal from their

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