Love And Love In Toni Morrison's Beloved

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Paul D was suspicious and tried to find out who the strange woman was. He did not believe that she came from the river and the story about the bridge as she claimed. In contrast, Denver was very excited to have her in the house and did not feel lonely anymore. The woman looked very sick, and Denver insisted on taking care of her. When the woman who called herself Beloved came to the house, Denver knew right away that she was her dead sister coming back to the family. Denver thought that Beloved came back to wait for their father. It gave her a reason to protect Beloved because she was worried that Sethe, her mother, might kill her again. At the same time Denver has a contrast view when she tried to make Beloved stay away from Sethe because…show more content…
We need some kind of tomorrow.” He leans over and takes her hand. With the other he touches her face. “You your best thing, Sethe. You are.” His holding fingers are holding hers. “Me? Me?” (322) Besides trying to convince Sethe that she was valuable, Paul D also gave Sethe hope to move forward with him, to heal from the pain of the past. After that, she began to realize she should take care of herself and began to live for herself. The only daughter that she had now was Denver, who would take care of herself by getting a job. Denver found courage to be independent and interact as a member of a community rather than an outsider. She did not want to be trapped in 124 Bluestone Road without doing anything to save her mother, Sethe and herself. It seems that Denver began to see the future and was willing to go forward. As indicated by Denver acceptance in both the black and the white community, Sethe had been forgiven. The healing power of love provides a new way of seeing life. People in the community did not forget what Sethe had done to her daughter but were able to see the incident differently. This change of behavior enabled everybody, especially those who used to be isolated, to heal from the…show more content…
As a child Sethe did not quite understand the significance of her mother’s mark except to identify her mother’s body when she died. The marking not only happened to Sethe’s mother and Sethe but also to Beloved. She had a scar on her throat where Sethe slashed it with a knife when she killed the two year old baby. Here, Morrison states that, a woman who gives birth to a child is marked as a mother, and if the woman is a slave, then she also has a mark on her body as a result of the abusive acts and brutality of her master. Because of that, Sethe’s love for Beloved was so possessive and she killed her daughter in order to save her from slavery. This possessive love did not exist instantly. Actually, it was a result of Sethe’s past and her relationship with her mother. The lack of her mother’s love made her to identify with her mother and created extreme mother’s love for her children. Sethe wanted to fulfill her own need for a mother’s love by giving possessive love to her
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