Louise Mallard's Life

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“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin analyzes sixty short minutes of Louise Mallard’s life. In this short period of time, she experiences an immense feeling of liberation from her oppressive marriage. Louise has been continuously cared for her and treated very gently because of her illness. These actions displayed by her family members led to her having no control of her own life. With the death of her husband, Louise experiences a new found freedom as she realizes the potential of controlling her own life and the capability of a creating a future for herself. One can learn from the life of Louise and the negative effects of allowing one’s life to be controlled by others. Chopin illustrates Louise’s transformation from a repressed wife to…show more content…
With the news of Brently Mallard’s death, Louise immediately wept and grieved the absence of a man who had cared for her for most of her life. It is expressed by the narrator that Louise “had loved him – sometimes. Often she had not” (28) which leaves underlining uncertainty of their relationship for the reader. When she talks about the scenery and life, beautiful language is used to phrase her thoughts. However, when she describes her husband she speaks in short, unemotional sentences. After she weeps over her husband’s supposed death, Louise begins to realize that she is no longer subjected to act under her husband’s supervised, repressive care. With this exciting revelation, the woman finds immense joy in the fact that she now has control of her own life. The words that had “escaped her slightly parted lips” (27) were: “free, free, free!” (27). As this is not an expected response of a wife who had just lost her husband, the reality that Louise was unhappy in her current situation becomes clear. For the length of an entire hour, Louise, for the first time, gains independence and experiences a true sense of happiness. She is in the midst of visualizing a new future for herself that she could now pursue and thoroughly enjoy. During these precious minutes, Louise gains exquisite anticipation of a new found freedom. With the death of her husband, Louise feels as if she has been given an entirely new life. The narrator constantly speaks of her welcoming “days that would be her own” (28) and “years to come that would belong to her absolutely” (27) which draws the conclusion that she never had control of her life. It is evident that before her husband’s death, Louise had been immensely oppressed to the point where she was controlled entirely. The woman could finally “live for herself” (27) instead of for others and under their constant oppression. The reality of gaining a new found
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