Ginny Cook Of The Thousand Acres

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In this paper we will develop the idea of women stereotypes and feminism in the light of Pope’s theories and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Wolf based on two characters. Ginny Cook of the Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley and Louise Mallard into The Story Of An Hour by Kate Chopin. As we see it both characters had to endure the hardship of patriarchy governing those times in which women were repressed. On one hand, according to Pope, it can be appreciated that women have been stereotyped as emotional, home- and child-centred, quiet, passive, beautiful and smooth. Considering, these stereotypes we claim that Ginny Cook as well as Louise Mallard agree with the stereotypes presented by Pope. For instance, paternal abuse had turned Ginny in a peace-maker…show more content…
Feminists challenge the traditional power of men (patriarchy) and revalue and celebrate the roles women”. Based on this definition, we can argue that both characters analysed could be considered as feminists because they rebelled against the patriarchy model in their way. For example, Ginny Cook was forced to obey his father. After considering past experiences with her father, Ginny realised all of the pain and sorrow Larry caused in her life. He sexually abused and harassed her when she was younger causing her an unforgettable scar in her spirit. As result, Larry’s abusive attitudes led to Ginny confronting him trying to set the rules for his father. Likewise, we argue that Mrs Mallard’s death could be regarded as a feminist act. Death for her was equal to freedom. Louise Mallard was obliged to stay at home because this was Mr Mallard’s order. When Mrs Mallard received the news that her husband was death she was released from her husband’s oppression. However, there was a misunderstanding and Mr Mallard was in fact alive when Louise saw him alive she died. The doctors said that was joy that kill her, but indeed she became free from her husband domination when she died. Having explored these two characters, we claim that both stories portray the development of their

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