Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The Loss of Innocence in Scout’s Journey No one is one-hundred percent innocent, everyone is guilty of something. As someone grows older they begin to see what is right from wrong, but the evils in the world might turn them away from the right path. In To Kill A Mockingbird,Harper Lee expresses that when growing up you have the realizations of harsh realities, age and experience comes knowledge, and finally wisdom and understanding. Throughout the narrator’s journey you see the loss of innocence in the small town of Maycomb County. Furthermore, Scout and Jem were at the Tom Robinson trial when they realized the harsh realities of the world around them. In chapter twenty-two it states, “ It ain’t right, Atticus,” said Jem. “No son, it’s not right”(Lee 242). Considering this being said by a young boy like Jem, even of his age, he knew what the real reason was behind the conviction of Tom Robinson. Both, Scout and Jem, knew Tom Robinson was guilty only…show more content…
At the beginning of the novel Scout thinks of Boo Radley as some monster. They all wanted to find out if the legend of his crazy behavior was true. But towards the ending of the novel Scout gets to see him. After the attack of Bob Ewell, Boo Radley was the one to save them. “Hey, Boo” (Lee 310), was Scouts first words to him. After she realized it was him in the room it was as if they talked everyday for her. After talking to him, she realized he is nice and a very good man. Not what the neighborhood had portrayed him to be. There is also a loss of innocence in Scout. For never giving back gifts to him when he gave them gifts in the tree, the blanket on the cold night of the fire, and how it was wrong of them to play the “Radley Game”. He was just a scared and harmless man that was kept away from everyone. At the end of the novel, Scout finally gained understanding and wisdom of how he was lonely and wanted
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