Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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This blistering sun beats down upon the dirt roads and backs of the laboring men, the horses call out as the brushes whisper with the wind, the barley sways turning the field into a golden sea filled with glimmering waves. Beyond this seemingly enchanting scene lies a killer, one that hunts the lost the mysterious and the unheard, loneliness feeds off of all on all, its magnitude unspoken and its pain is unimaginable. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck loneliness has a massive impact on the characters of the story. This book follows two men as they eternally transform the lives of the ranch workers. Candy is an old man who has been working on the ranch for a long time. Since candy is facing the end of his life it is an optimal time for loneliness to strike. Candy is left without any fiends or family aside from the few…show more content…
He is completely isolated and sadly he has begun to not only accept this but he has begun to believe that it is almost better for him to be separated this is proven when he said, “You go on get outta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunk house, and you ain’t wanted in my room,”(Steinbeck 67). Crooks feels a need to put up a strong outer wall because he realizes that he is not going to be accepted by the other men on the ranch. However this acceptance dose not stop him from wishing that he had someone to talk to, as Crooks once said “A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody don’t make no difference who the guy is long’s he’s with you. I tell ya’ he cried ‘I tell ya a guy gets to lonely an’ he gets sick’,”(Steinbeck 71). This quote summarizes Crook and his struggle with loneliness. Crooks unlike some of the other characters didn’t have anything to protect him from loneliness and he didn’t gain very much throughout the book he simply gave his opinion and proved that he was lonely himself and how lonely many of the other characters
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