Narrative Essay On Groundball Research Paper

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Narrative Essay I thought I had it all mapped out. I was having a great sophomore year, athletically. The Quitman Lady Wolverines were headed to second round of playoffs, and we were ranked second in the state of Louisiana. Every day we would practice, rain or shine. We were working hard to achieve our goals which included: beating Simsboro in the second round of playoffs, hoping to meet Anacoco in the quarterfinals, and taking on the teams that were fortunate enough to defeat their opponents also in the quarterfinals. It rained on a Thursday, and as expected, Coach Muse called a gym softball practice. In the gym we could not do much, only a few drills and running. One of our drills was fielding ground balls and pivoting to field another as quickly as one could. It was my turn to do the drill. I was very familiar with this drill, being that I did it at least a few times a week. I started the drill and was throwing the softball hastily and turning to catch the next ground ball. As I was turning around, the ground ball was too far to the left of me and I turned trying to backhand the ball and pivoted. My knee popped and I collapsed on the ground. I was not able to walk normal and had discomfort. My parents took me to the emergency room and my knee was X-rayed. Later I had an MRI (magnetic…show more content…
I started off slowly. I did not hit as well as I did in the past season. My defense was not as good because I did not trust my knee to make the turns I had made before. It took me all season to gain my hitting back. I slowly started gaining trust in my knee throughout the season. I had to work hard not only in practice but outside of practice. I was hitting at the batting cage with my dad at least three nights a week, maybe even more. Within the next few weeks I began hitting better and kept progressing from there. Once again we headed to the state tournament, only this time we were ranked #1 in Louisiana Class B

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