World War I: Turning Point Of Warfare

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World War I was the turning point for warfare, not only from a tactical or logistical standpoint but also the technological advancements with weaponry. The difference between World War I and other wars that it was the turning point between two eras of warfare. The invention of machine guns, poisonous gas, flamethrower, trench gun, tanks, airplanes and many other technologies changed the face of warfare as we know it. These weapons were made to gain a tactical advantage over the enemy, for example tanks would be able to traverse over the trenches and crush anything in its way no matter if it was barbwire or enemy troops. Flamethrowers on the other hand were ancient invention first used by the Greeks during the first century A.D. Flamethrowers…show more content…
The flamethrower was first invented in Greece, hence the name Greek fire which was a highly flammable liquid that can kill friend and foe alike. As all weapons over time the flamethrower was refined and remodel. There are two different models both designed by a Richard Fiedler who was a German scientist . The first model was a larger and bulkier design called the Grossflammenwerfer which had twice the range as its smaller counterpart the Kleinflammenwerfer . The Kleinflammenwerfer could be carried by a single trooper unlike its larger counterpart. Its maximum range was 18 m with and enough fuel that only lasted two minutes of sustained fire . Flamethrowers uses pressurized air mixed with carbon dioxide were then it would vomit a river of scolding…show more content…
The Germans first used poisonous gas against the French on October 1914 in the capture of the city Neuve -Chapelle . The gas used on the French during the engagement was a chemical irritant which caused a fit of violent sneezing causing the victims severe pain and irritation . Three months later the Germans would use poisonous gas against the Russians on Eastern Front. The use of poisonous gas against the Russians earlier on during the war failed terribly with the use of the new experiment. The gas would be fired in a liquid form contained in a 15 cm howitzer shell is the Russians at Bolimov, the experiment proved unsuccessful due to the liquid teargas failing to vaporize in the subarctic temperatures . The Germans were determined on the use of poisonous gas against their enemies and tried again with an improved teargas formula. Thus the invention of chlorine gas came to be in their unsuspecting victims of this experiment the French and their Algerian auxiliaries at the battle of Ypres. As stated before the chlorine gas took the French and Algerian auxiliaries by surprise. French and Algerian soldiers reported seeing a green yellow cloud which they thought was a trick to hide advancing German soldiers . Technically it was true but the French and Algerians suffered the consequences due to the effects of the chlorine gas on them. The cloud did not mask an

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