Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Lonely: The desolate feeling of emptiness and isolation; feeling disconnected and alienated from companionship. It constantly eats away a person’s heart that was once full of joy. Lennie and George, Candy, and Curley’s wife all experience some type of loneliness throughout John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. George and Lennie seemed to look out for eachother, but in the end George killed Lennie and they were left without one another. “A man’s best friend” was killed because of Candy’s regretted agreement and he was at loss for his hand. Curley’s wife missed out on life because of a choice she made in the past. Loneliness is a complication that shall be overcome in order to live a fulfilled life. George always seemed to have to keep an eye on Lennie and he thought of him as…show more content…
Curley rejected her freedom to speak to any of the other men on the ranch, which lead her into living a short and lonesome life. In addition, Curley's wife was mentioned frequently, though her name was never mentioned. The other men did not consider her as a “normal” human being, but as an object. The men were also afraid to talk to her because they know Curley would get jealous and want to pick a fight. She had no females on the ranch to talk to, so Curley’s wife found Lennie. She said things to Lennie about how she wanted to talk to somebody once in a while. She tried to tell Lennie that no one listened her and all she wanted was a friend. Though Lennie never got the signals due to his disability. She was living on a boring ranch, with no companionship. However, Curley’s wife did believe that she would make it to the movies one day. She said to Lennie, "I tell you I ain’t used to livin’ like this. I coulda made somethin’ of myself... maybe I will yet " (88). She was so forsaken and because of it she wanted to think of herself as having a future ahead of her, but of course she never got another chance because Lennie had accidentally killed
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