Lincoln Cathedral Analysis

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TITLE The Exceptional And Stunning Lincoln Cathedral In England, UK LEAD PARAGRAPH Lincoln, the county town of Lincolnshire in Britain is a historic, quaint and wonderful place which will wow you beyond belief because of its natural beauty and historical sights. Lincoln lies on the River Witham and is dominated by so many unique, unusual and jaw-dropping spots such as Steep's Hill, Lincoln Castle and Lincoln Cathedral. In order to reach Lincoln Cathedral at 4 Priority Gate, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, LN2 1PL, you will need to climb up the phenomenal Steep's Hill which is filled with tea rooms and speciality shops, which will make your climb up the hill memorable. Lincoln Cathedral sits at the top of the hill and faces Lincoln Cathedral. It is one of the most prominent landmark that is visible for around 25 miles on a clear day. PARAGRAPHS A fascinating history which includes law and politics Lincoln Cathedral is a medieval Anglican Cathedral that provides a space for God, worship, praise and private payer. Leading English art critic, draughtsman, watercolourist, social thinker and philanthropist John Ruskin described Lincoln as, "out and out the most precious piece of architecture on the British isles" and he certainly does have a point that should be considered. The history of Lincoln Cathedral is complicated and the Cathedral that you…show more content…
There are so many different things to see and appreciate within the Cathedral. The vaults within the Cathedral are stunning and of varying types between the nave, aisles, choir area and the chapels of the Cathedral. There are two magnificent rose windows which light the great transept. There is also a library within the Cathedral and access to it is included in the ticket price (see below). The library, which was funded and built by Dean Honywood, contains an extensive collection of books from the medical

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