Leaders In Lord Of The Flies

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E.M. Kelly once said, “Remember the difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says go- a leader says ‘Let’s go!’” Altogether, Ralph is a better leader. He treats the boys with care and understanding. He has the common interest of everyone in his tribe and treats the boys better than Jack. In the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, Ralph makes the most effective National Leader through the use of personal freedom, environment, and labor. Great leaders give their constituents personal freedoms. Being a good leader consists of different characteristics: willingness to listen, authenticity, ethical behavior, ability to communicate, and optimism (Kamenski). Ralph demonstrates many of these characteristics. In Lord of the Flies, he…show more content…
Ralph lets all the boys take turns holding the conch which gave everyone the opportunity to voice their opinions. The boys give ideas and talk about new things that they can do to improve their stay on the island. By Ralph giving the boys the right to speak, he is giving them personal freedom, which he uses to keep peace on the island. A good leader would all of these things, just as the president does. He finds new ways to listen and take everyone’s opinions into consideration to make life better for everyone and come to agreements. Jack tended to make decisions on his own. He just told everyone what to do, but he didn’t take anyone’s input into consideration. This is not an effective way to lead a group of people. A president cannot get things done if he just makes all decisions without taking other people’s thoughts…show more content…
The environment has an extreme lack of structure. The boys have are immature, have no adult supervision, and they are not associating with anyone other than the people on the island. These factors allow the boys to run wild. These circumstances give the opportunity for their primate instincts to also run wild. Even though these circumstances are in play, Ralph still keeps everything under control and succeeds in keeping his boys in line. From the beginning of the novel, Jack wants power. His wanting of authority and violence are connected very closely. After he is not successful in killing a pig, he devotes himself to hunting. He kills animals for no reason, but when Ralph tries to kill a boar he can’t. A president obviously has a lot of power, but he cannot let the power go to his head. He needs to stay calm even in hectic situations, and he also needs to keep his constituents under control in times like
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