Loss Of Innocence In Macbeth

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Firstly, Macbeth impatiently attempts to change his fate by successfully assassinating his righteous King Duncan to receive his throne sooner, which influences the deterioration of his moral conscience. Macbeth feels extreme guilt after committing the crime, he believes that he will no longer have the protection by God because he had committed a serious murder. Macbeth reveals the beginning of his mental turmoil in Act 2.2 “One cried, “God bless us!” and “Amen,” the other, / As they had seen me with these hangman’s hands; / Listening their fear I could not say, “Amen,”/ When they did say, “God bless us”. (2.1:37 – 40). Macbeth has become unable to say the word Amen or God bless us. Macbeth does murder sleep infers that Macbeth will suffer in…show more content…
Even though there are lots of guests watching him, Macbeth cannot resist himself from acting crazy, which shows that his criminality cannot be hidden, “I am in blood/ Stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er.” (3.4: 167 – 169). Macbeth realizes he has walked so far into this river of blood that even if he stopped now, it would be as hard to go back to being good as it is to keep killing people. Earlier in the play, Macbeth was indecisive about killing for power, however now in the play Macbeth is desperate and willing to do anything to keep his…show more content…
Macbeth takes the witches promises too seriously and does not overlook the reality that possibly someone can be born of Caesarian birth, and he does not think of an army of men camouflaging themselves from the forest. “But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, / Brandish’d by man that’s of a woman born.” (5.7: 18 – 19). After being told by the witches that no one born from a woman can harm him, he believes he is an immortal figure who cannot be killed or defeating. When his last men ran and left Macbeth by himself at Dunsinane, he honestly believed he could take on every man by himself he even mentioned he laughs at their force “But swords I smile at.” Even at Macbeth’s last moments encircled by the English army, Macbeth is delusional and still believes he can fight and kill Macduff because he thinks he is immortal, “I bear a charmed life, which must not yield / To one of woman born.” (5.8: 15 – 16). Macbeth warns Macduff during their battle that he is wasting his time attempting to kill Macbeth, and that Macduff is better off fighting someone who has the ability to be harmed. Macbeth also brings up that he lives an immortal life that can only be ended by someone who was not born naturally from a woman, only to find out that Macduff was not born naturally and faces the consequences; his

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